
A Small Cat Hunts

2016-09-21T08:01:06+01:00African Safari, Justin Bell, Rare species, Tanzania|

The Land-cruiser stopped so that we could watch a group of chattering banded mongooses rushing across the track. Every now and then one would stand on his hind legs and look around in case there was danger. While there one of us noticed a water monitor lizard lounging over an acacia branch above us. He seemed to have an ideal spot to enjoy a cool breeze, and we wouldn’t have noticed him if we hadn’t been parked underneath him. Then something flashed past the front of the Land-Cruiser, and a second later we heard the squealing of a distraught mongoose.

What to write about?

2024-11-27T06:32:56+01:00Justin Bell, Serengeti, Tanzania|

Sometimes sightings are too numerous and too astounding to allow me to begin the recount them in a blog. It would result in a long list which certainly to me would sound nearly impossible to view in a two week period (my last safari). I have decided to mention the ...

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