
We hope that you have enjoyed your journey with A Step Ahead. Our aim is to provide the highest quality personalised service. In order to achieve this and to improve our journeys wherever possible, we would like to receive feedback and comments on your trip.

Thank you in advance.

Please include country code (e.g. +1) and area code
Consider equipment lists, itineraries, response to questions and general preparation.
List your guides and comment on skills, responsibility, approachability, capability, sense of fun and adventure.
Including drivers, vehicles, charter flights, transfers, timeliness, efficiency etc
Which was your favourite hotel, lodge or camp and why?
Could any improvements be made in any camp, hotel or lodge, and if so, which one, and what should be done?
Which was your favourite activity and why?
Could any activity have been better organised, and if so, which activity and what should be done?


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If you would like to help us and others know about our custom guided journey service you may also rate us or write a review on our Facebook or Google pages.